Affirmative Action Statement

Our Statement

All party units, officers, caucuses, communities, conventions, business conferences, and convocations shall (through affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion) encourage young people, seniors, women, persons living with disabilities, and other historically underrepresented groups, whether by race, ethnic group, immigration status, consideration of faith, gender identity, sexual orientation, or another protected status to participate in party affairs at every level. This includes welcoming, informing, and providing access to training for all persons regarding how to effectively participate in the selection and party governance processes; actively recruiting, selecting, placing, and retaining members of such previously stated groups; and encouraging all Democrats to select affirmatively such individuals when voting, so that such groups shall be represented on delegations, in committees, and in party offices, at every level within the DFL Party at least in reasonable proportion to their presence in the state. These affirmative steps shall provide a basis for review and challenge of officers and delegations as specified in the Bylaws or the Rule Book and as printed in the Official Call.